Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What is freelancing and How to get Clients as a Freelancer

 Freelancing is basically when you have a skill like graphic designing, photography, video editing, content writing, or social media management you can use those skills and work for others. You will get paid per client or per project. These skills can be learned through free or paid online courses. You can get clients on Upwork, fiver, freelancer, and people per hour. Another way to get clients is through your social media as you can post about your skill and ask if anyone's interested they will reach out to you.

How to get clients?

1. Update your social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram and tell people what you’re capable of. This won’t help much but in this way, people will know what you do.

2. Whenever you go to social gatherings you can give your business cards so that people can reach out to you for work. Sending your portfolio to family and relatives is also a way to get clients.

3. Join online groups and communities with freelancers in similar or related fields. Through this, you will be updated about any new opportunity coming up for you.

4. Send cold emails to people you think are potential clients and you can work with. Send them your portfolio and pitch in your services. Out of 10 people, you send this email at least 1 person will hire you so the more you try the better.

5. Use freelance websites as over there you can get clients from all over the world. There are many websites as mentioned above and if you wanna know more  about these sites you can go to our 10 ways of earning money post 

6. Focus on getting SEO traffic as it enhances visibility on search engines which means your work will be featured on many sites.

Monday, May 30, 2022

10 Digital Marketing Tips For Small Business

 Digital marketing is when you promote something through online platforms on the internet. In this post, you will get to know how to do paid social media advertising, social media marketing and so much more.

These 10 tips will surely promote your business and help you gain customers online.

1. You need to choose your targeting audience and reach out to them through different social media platforms. If your audience is gen z then you should go for Instagram and TikTok whereas if it’s between 25 to 35-year-olds Facebook is very important for you. You can even try out YouTube by uploading behind the scenes of what goes into the business as people really enjoy watching it as it’s a source of inspiration and enjoyment. It attracts customers and you'll get more people to visit your business account.

2. Your content matters a lot so your product pictures should be clean and aesthetic. For the text and design of the logo go to canva over there you can make it for free.

3. For your content to reach the audience you need to give Ads by paying $5 to $10. Those ads can be given anywhere like Youtube or even by boost posts on Instagram. Another way is by placing banner ads on local or industrial websites for promotion. If you want to earn more then you will have to invest in Ads otherwise your business wont be able to the targeted audience. 


4. Influencer marketing is very popular. You have to dm or email the influencer for a pr or paid collaboration. In the pr, if they like the product they will show it to their followers whereas in a paid collaboration they will post according to your choice. For many businesses, pr works well but if you want more attention and customers for your product then paid post is your way to go.

5. Creating a website for your business is essential as it leaves a more professional impression on the customer. Also, it's hassle-free as the customers can see the price themselves without texting personally. Many customers hesitate to message individually and like a website for this purpose. If you don't know how to make a website se our post on it.

6. Start with local marketing as any big or small business becomes national than international. Local marketing can be done by giving your product to local sellers and stores so that it's easily accessible as people get more attracted to the product in front of them as they can see it. Having the product visually in front of the buyer is very effective for purchase.

7. Explain your product to the audience and its benefits as there are many things that the seller thinks won't matter but they are appealing to your customers. So making sure your product benefits are clearly portrayed is very important. Using simple English words to describe your product is better because if you use high language then the customer will be put off and less inclined toward the product.

8. Produce SEO-optimized content as it inflates your visibility on search engines, which helps to drive traffic to your website and stimulates people to purchase your products. Through SEO you can improve the website traffic which is favorable to your business.

9. If you have zero knowledge of online marketing then you can attend a digital marketing workshop or avail a course online. In this way, you will get to know all the tips and tricks for marketing and if you have good marketing and a good product it won't take much time for your business to flourish.

10. Customer care is very important, you need to have good communication skills while communicating to your customers and delivery service as they get frustrated very quickly if these two things go wrong. In the end, it leaves a bad impression of your business even if the product is good. So keep this in mind as the first impression is the last impression. If they like the experience they will recommend it to their family and friends which is very beneficial for the business.

Hope these tips help your business grow and if they do let us know in the comments. Thank you!

10 Easy Ways For Teenagers To Earn Money

 Nowadays with everything getting expensive, it's difficult for parents to fulfill all of your wants. But if you still want to buy all the things you want ,don't worry we've got you covered up in this post. You will get to know many ways of earning money in which you can use your expertise and work online without leaving your comfort zone.

Here are easy ways of earning money  

1. Content Creation and blogging 

You can create engaging content for the niche you're approaching and earn through paid partnerships and collaborations on Instagram. Try to get more views by uploading content daily as it will reach out more and you'll gain followers too. The brands pay you according to the views on the post you have uploaded for them so having a good engagement on posts is very important. 

Blogging can be done on Instagram and on a website. You must be thinking it's too much of a hassle creating a website but it isn't actually, just go to our how to create a website post. For blogging very interesting and attractive content should be written to make the readers read your content as people get bored very easily. When more people start viewing your content then you can apply for Google Adsense and earn through it very easily. 

2. Tutoring 

You can earn $5 to $25 hourly for teaching students online from anywhere around the world. After Covid, there are many students studying online. You can teach people your age or even below and earn weekly. There are two ways in which you can tutor:

The first way is to teach online on Preply but for that, you need to be 18 years old. You will have to teach on zoom or google classroom and you will be paid for how many hours you teach according to your hourly rate. In this way, you will have to give live classes one on one classes. It's very easy as you will just have to fill out a form and provide your identification. Then they will review and approve after that you can start teaching. Keeping your hourly rate as low as possible attracts students and later when you get more students you may increase your rate.

 The second way is much easier in which you will be a Studypool Tutor where you will have to do students' homework for which you will get set prices for each of them. It is much more flexible as whenever you get the time you can do it and earn as much as you want as it depends on how much homework you do. Study pool says you can earn up to $7k monthly as an online tutor there and you can easily .get the money through Paypal, Payoneer, western union,mpesa, etc Unlike other sites, they have a lot of payment receiving methods.

3. Freelancing 

It's a new term for many people so freelancing means working as an independent company rather than being self-employed by someone else. A Freelancer is a person who is self-employed and is more like a contractor. Now when it comes to where you can do freelancing, so for that there my sites like 

-Fiver: It's an Israeli online marketplace for freelance services. You can offer your expertise through gigs or apply for jobs listed. Fiver serves as an e-commerce platform for freelancers and companies to sell their services by using their gigs. The pricing of gigs depends on the seller upon how much effort goes into the task. In this way you can select your pay and may increase on more orders                                                       


-Upwork: It is an American freelance marketplace that connects businesses with independent professionals and agencies around the globe. Where companies and freelancers work together in new ways that unlock their potential.  You need to submit a proposal upon which the employer will reach out to you and select. The best part is that in the proposal you can decide if you wanna get paid after the project is complete or between it.

-Freelancer: It's an Australian online marketplace for freelancers. The employers post jobs with a payment budget on which the freelancers bid to complete them. You can easily find a job and work accordingly with the pay which is decided by the employer as it's fixed at the start through the bids. The lower the bid the more chance you will get selected for the job. 

-People Per  Hour: It's a UK-based company that serves as an online platform for freelancers. Over here you can bid for projects as well as post offers with a fixed pay like a gig on fiver just with higher pay.


4. Website Articles 

If you have good writing skills you can start writing articles with any kind of topic but it just needs to be relevant to the audience you're trying to reach. You can create a website for free on blogger.com  and for that just see our post on it. After you have written 20 to 30 informative articles you can now create a Google AdSense account and for that also just see our post and follow the steps its that easy. After the Google Adsense account is approved you'll get monthly payments according to the views on your website. For that, the content should be so good that you get organic traffic which is very beneficial as it will boost your earnings. In this way, your own skills will help you earn up to $1k monthly if you are consistent with your posts and relevant content.

5. Selling Old Notes 

The easiest way of earning money is selling your lecture notes on Studypool. You will just have to scan your documents if handwritten or upload typed notes. They will get approved to check if they are not copyrighted then you will start earning from it in a short time. It's a passive income as you earn $10 per view on your document and Study pool claims that you can earn up to $5k in a month just by selling notes. Also, there is no harm in earning money without doing anything much you just have to upload them. It's very important to make sure your notes are legible, relevant, and high quality for maximum earnings. You can withdraw the money through Paypal, Payoneer, western union, mpesa, etc.

8. Sell Online Course 

If you have the required resources and books for a course or can record video lessons of you teaching a subject you can easily make a course for it on Teachable. It's a platform where you can teach or take courses and other people buy them at the price set which you choose. It's not necessary to teach a subject you can sell cooking, art or any type of course you like. There are teacher entrepreneurs who use teachable to run their courses for almost half a million students online. In this way, you can earn the fixed price you have set on each purchase of the course and when you start with cheap courses more people buy them.

 9.Art and Design 

These are some ways of earning through your art as there are many artists out there who need recognition.

-Upload your art on Artstation as it's a platform for artists to showcase their work and sell it or do custom projects. In his way, artists monetize their arts and skills.

-Create logos for companies or even brands and do graphic designing for clients who you can find through  freelancing sites like Upwork  and Freelancer

-Make an Instagram account through which you can send pr to influencers for promotion, on TikTok to upload time-lapse or short process videos, and on Youtube shorts as well for publicity of your art to attract customers. 

-Make an e-commerce website and post your work with prices for people to buy. For this, you will need to spend on marketing your website to get more traffic on your site which means more customers.

10. Youtuber 

One of the most popular ways of earning money is through Youtube as everyone is aware of it. What you have to do is upload videos daily, when you reach 1,000 subscribers and have 4,000 hours of watch time you can apply for monetization. As people very quickly start earning on Youtube if they have good content so it's more of a frequent way of earning especially for teenagers. 

In the end, everything needs your time and effort what you have to do is just trust the process and you'll succeed. Hopefully!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

How To Make Wedges In the Oven

A quick recipe for crispy and scrumptious wedges which are a great alternative for oily french fries. This recipe is for all the potato lovers out there who love french fries but want a healthier alternative for it so here you go!!

-Crispy  Potato Wedges ( serves 3-4 people)

1. Take 6-7 big potatoes and wash them thoroughly
2. Cut them into big long slices but not very thick 
3. In a pot add water with salt 
4. When the water comes to a boil add your wedges for 5 minutes and strained  them out from the water
5. Dry the potatoes and preheat your oven for 10 minutes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit or 200 degrees celsius.
6. Now take a small bowl and add in your seasoning.
Ingredients for Seasoning(add all of them as per your spice level ):
-Crushed Pepper
-Paprika Powder 
-Herbs(oregano, rosemary, thyme, parsley)
-ground ginger 
-4 cloves freshly chopped garlic but garlic powder will work as well 
-3/4 cup olive oil or vegetable oil 
7. Now grease ( oil/butter) your oven tray and put your potatoes on them 
8. Add all the seasoning mixture and even coat the potatoes with it. You can do this in a bowl too.
9. You can directly put the in the oven if you can't wait or let the seasoning infuse for 30 minutes for a better taste
10. Their cooking time is 30 minutes but as these are crispy wedges you can keep them for another 30 minutes after flipping them for those crunchy wedges and as everyone likes to eat them in a different way so after 30 minutes it is upon you when you wanna take them out.
11. A nice quick  dip with it  won't harm so just mix mayonnaise and chili sauce of your choice and your dip is ready (this part is completely optional)
12. Now your wedges are ready to munch on as you can't stop eating them Enjoy!

Friday, May 27, 2022

5 min Quick Recipes

 4 Recipes ( 2 sweet & 2 savory ) 


-Microwave Mug Cake 

    1. 4 1/2 tbsp of flour 

    2. 1 1/2 tbsp butter

    3.  2 tbsp of sugar 

    4.  1 1/2 tbsp of room temp milk

    5. Chocolate chips 

    6. Pinch of salt 

    7. Mix and keep in the microwave for 1 min  40 sec 


-French toast   

  1.  eggs
  2. Pinch of cinnamon 
  3. 2 tbsp milk 
  4. 1 tbsp sugar 
  5. Mix and dip your bread into the mixture 
  6. Serve with fresh fruit 

-Microwave Potato mug soup  

       1. Take a potato and peel it then add some water to a mug with the potato 

       2. Microwave it for 4-5min and stir halfway through 

       3. Drain the water and mash it 

       4. Add 2 tbsp of cornstarch and milk in the same proportion 

       5. Mix and add 2 slices of cheese

       6. Some spics(red chili, pepper, salt, garlic powder)

        7.Mix and microwave for 3 min 

        8.Take it out add any sauce and serve 



  1. Put some frozen corns in a bowl and keep them in the microwave for 3 min with some butter, mix halfway through 
  2. Add some salt , pepper and herbs 
  3. Eat it like this or add some sauces of your choice 

How To Create A website For Free

The most simple and easy way to create a website for free. Firstly you need to have a Gmail id from which you would like your website to be made as you'll get all the updates via email. Next, you will have to just go to www.blogger.com and then just click on create your blog.


After this, you need to decide the name of your blog, check its availability, and write what you would like your website's name to be.

With just these simple steps your website is complete. Now you can write your posts here and publish them.
Over here you can see the statistics of your website like how many people visited your website and commented on it.
If you want to earn from your website you can create your Google Adsense account and after its approval can easily earn monthly upon the views of your website. If you wanna know more about the Google Adsense procedure see our post regarding it.

If you want to customize your website and its themes just click on customize.
Your website is now complete. Write engaging content for the niche you want to approach through your content. Upload new posts every week which will get organic traffic to your website. Just trust the process and you'll succeed.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Fictional Character All Teenage Girls Look Up To

 The fictional character all teenagers identify the most with is Hermione Jean  Granger from J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Series. The reason why they resonate with her is that she was undeniably loyal and was with her friends all the time through thick and thin. She once said, " All I can do is follow my instincts as I'll never please Everyone ".What she said were golden words! and what they like about her is: being loyal, following my instincts and not what others say about her, caring about friends, and always sticking with the truth no matter what. She spoke maturely yet in a sophisticated way. She loved reading books, exploring more about magic and the science behind it, and was also really good at studies. One of the reasons many teenagers resonate with her a lot is because growing up they saw her as my role model and started turning like her. She was smart and adventurous and they wanted to be exactly like her. They even follow her studying method which helped them in their memorizing skills.

Global Warmings Adverse Effects On Our Environment

 Global Warming has affected the world immensely especially the current times are those in which we are facing extreme conditions such as severe weather conditions which lead to high temperatures such as heavy rainfall, storms, heatwaves, droughts, floods, and wildfires. Due to droughts, people can’t access clean drinking water and because of the lack of water sudden deaths take place. During floods people, lives and property gets damaged as well as affect the clean water supply. The biggest global threat is the increasing death rate due to high temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heatstroke, and lack of food. As a result of rising temperatures, air pollution is increasing by the ground-level ozone created by vehicles and industries. It causes diseases like asthma, lung cancer, and high risk to patients with cardiac diseases. Not just humans but animals are also dying due to forest fires which can soon cause wildlife extinction. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases which are toxic greenhouse gases. One of those is sulfur which combines with the rainwater causing acid rain. Acid rain causes corrosion of buildings, acidic oceans, and death of marine life which is very alarming. The change in climatic conditions causes heavy rainfall which contributes to floods. During floods, people lose their houses, properties, and jobs and even suffer poverty. Global warming awareness is very crucial in this era and a few places like India, Pakistan, and America should really take care as they contribute to global warming the most due to their businesses and extreme weather conditions.