Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What is freelancing and How to get Clients as a Freelancer

 Freelancing is basically when you have a skill like graphic designing, photography, video editing, content writing, or social media management you can use those skills and work for others. You will get paid per client or per project. These skills can be learned through free or paid online courses. You can get clients on Upwork, fiver, freelancer, and people per hour. Another way to get clients is through your social media as you can post about your skill and ask if anyone's interested they will reach out to you.

How to get clients?

1. Update your social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram and tell people what you’re capable of. This won’t help much but in this way, people will know what you do.

2. Whenever you go to social gatherings you can give your business cards so that people can reach out to you for work. Sending your portfolio to family and relatives is also a way to get clients.

3. Join online groups and communities with freelancers in similar or related fields. Through this, you will be updated about any new opportunity coming up for you.

4. Send cold emails to people you think are potential clients and you can work with. Send them your portfolio and pitch in your services. Out of 10 people, you send this email at least 1 person will hire you so the more you try the better.

5. Use freelance websites as over there you can get clients from all over the world. There are many websites as mentioned above and if you wanna know more  about these sites you can go to our 10 ways of earning money post 

6. Focus on getting SEO traffic as it enhances visibility on search engines which means your work will be featured on many sites.


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