Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Fictional Character All Teenage Girls Look Up To

 The fictional character all teenagers identify the most with is Hermione Jean  Granger from J.K Rowlings Harry Potter Series. The reason why they resonate with her is that she was undeniably loyal and was with her friends all the time through thick and thin. She once said, " All I can do is follow my instincts as I'll never please Everyone ".What she said were golden words! and what they like about her is: being loyal, following my instincts and not what others say about her, caring about friends, and always sticking with the truth no matter what. She spoke maturely yet in a sophisticated way. She loved reading books, exploring more about magic and the science behind it, and was also really good at studies. One of the reasons many teenagers resonate with her a lot is because growing up they saw her as my role model and started turning like her. She was smart and adventurous and they wanted to be exactly like her. They even follow her studying method which helped them in their memorizing skills.


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