Thursday, May 26, 2022

Global Warmings Adverse Effects On Our Environment

 Global Warming has affected the world immensely especially the current times are those in which we are facing extreme conditions such as severe weather conditions which lead to high temperatures such as heavy rainfall, storms, heatwaves, droughts, floods, and wildfires. Due to droughts, people can’t access clean drinking water and because of the lack of water sudden deaths take place. During floods people, lives and property gets damaged as well as affect the clean water supply. The biggest global threat is the increasing death rate due to high temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heatstroke, and lack of food. As a result of rising temperatures, air pollution is increasing by the ground-level ozone created by vehicles and industries. It causes diseases like asthma, lung cancer, and high risk to patients with cardiac diseases. Not just humans but animals are also dying due to forest fires which can soon cause wildlife extinction. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases which are toxic greenhouse gases. One of those is sulfur which combines with the rainwater causing acid rain. Acid rain causes corrosion of buildings, acidic oceans, and death of marine life which is very alarming. The change in climatic conditions causes heavy rainfall which contributes to floods. During floods, people lose their houses, properties, and jobs and even suffer poverty. Global warming awareness is very crucial in this era and a few places like India, Pakistan, and America should really take care as they contribute to global warming the most due to their businesses and extreme weather conditions.


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