Saturday, July 23, 2022

Is Ms Marvel Worth Watching?

Defintely a YES as  
Ms Marvel is one of the most well executed series and has such a stellar cast. Iman vellani who played The role of ms marvel is an exceptionally good actor. She is a role model for the teenagers because her thoughts and actions are  so relatable for the youth. The way her ancestors and what they did is show gives such a depth to her character. The history shown helps in building up Ms Marvel's character even more and signifies what her ancestors did because through her ancestors they are trying to portray the relationship between them and her. The character of Ms marvel has multiple layers in it which creates such an interest in the series to continue watching it .The story is written so beautifully and shot as well. The fact that they include Ms Marvels heritage and culture  really attracts the audience to stay more connected with her story.

Most of the actors in Ms Marvel are asian and some are from pakistan. Its reall nice to see for the first time there is a Muslim marvel. It's an  honour for the Muslim community to be presented to the world with the right portrayal through this series. It's a proud moment for the Muslim community that people can now see how they  are in real rather than the reel versions shown  in movies .  The story is not just about a Muslim girl it's about  how   does things  that she has never ever done before. The series not just shows Muslims  but people from other religions too in it which is amazing.

Ms Marvel portrays the desi thinking and mindset which is relatable for many people, unlike other series. It shows how she surpasses her parents, she does things behind their back saves Ms marvel is also one of the most watched marvel series ever.

Overall the entire team has done a commendable job while executing this series and hats off to them for it. I hope this post helped you decide if it's worth watching or not and I  didn't give too much info about the series. Now go watch it you won't be wasting your time watching it I assure you.


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