Monday, July 25, 2022

How to Make Perfect Coffee and a healthy dessert

For making  the perfect coffee and  Baked Healthy Cookie Dough Oats you see this recipe down below or see this youtube video made by the teensblog team for making these  perfectly 


1 tbsp coffee 

1 tbsp sugar 

1 tbsp water 

1/4 to 1/2 cup milk 

first mix the coffee,water and sugar thn mix it with hand for 10 min or use a hand frother Add the milk ,mix and serve. This serves one person but for more you can double the quantity or just eyeball it. 

Baked Cookie Dough Oats 

2 eggs 

1 cup rolled oats 

3 tbsp butter 

3 tbsp honey

4 tbsp milk or 2 tbsp yogurt 

1 tsp vanilla essence 

12 cup chocolate chips 

First mix all the wet ingredients and then add the oats. mix it really well then add chocolate chips and take out in ramekins. Bake for 20 min at 180 degree celsius. Add serve with ice cream or chocolate sauce. This quantity makes three ramekins which means for three people and for a bigger batch just double the recipe.


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