Wednesday, June 1, 2022

7 Tips for Effective Studies & Scoring Good Grades

 There are 70% of students who don't study beforehand and regret it later. These tips are for those people and can even be applied to normal studies.

1. Don't get distracted by social media. It's better to switch off your phone but if you can't do that at least uninstall all social media apps in this way you won't get any notifications as they are a huge distraction. Use WhatsApp instead of  Instagram for chatting with people. There is your own betterment in staying away from the online world as already it's so toxic. In his way, you can focus on studies rather than what's going on in other people's lives 

2. Don't talk to people unnecessarily as it will waste your time and energy. Refrain from getting into fights or an argument with anyone. It can take a heavy toll on you and mentally affect you which won't let you concentrate on your studies. Keep yourself happy as when you are internally happy you'll be even more motivated and have the energy to study.  

3. Have motivation for studies. For eg after the exams, I  can go for a vacation and enjoy just have to pass this time or I need to make my parents proud with good grades. These kinds of motivational thoughts will keep you going. If you get demotivated watch motivational videos on youtube they will help you train your mind to study.

4. Don't study all day it will exhaust you instead follow a schedule with breaks so you don't get tired. Make sure you're managing your time efficiently as it's key to success especially when you're short on time. Taking timely breaks in between studies and making sure to eat properly is very important. Having a good diet is very important as without food your brain won't be able to function which means getting behind the schedule.

5. Don't waste time making notes instead highlight or make small pointers for important points so that you don't forget anything while revising. Only revise a day before the paper don't start solving questions because if you can't do a question it will stress you out. 

6. Taking a good 6 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary to retain all the information you have studied during the day. Sleep is very important before the paper because if you haven't taken good sleep your mind won't work which means a bad paper. So it's better to have food and a good sleep before the paper. Also, stay hydrated before and during the paper, dehydration can be distracting and reduce your ability to think clearly.

7. Don't study a few hours the night before the exam as it isn't going to help you score good grades. Another disadvantage is you'll be sleep deprived which will make you sleepy before the exam.

Hope you score well in your exams and if these tips helped you please let us know in the comments. Don't be harsh on yourself and believe in yourself as you can surely do anything possible in the world.


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