Thursday, June 30, 2022

How To Make Money Online In 2022

Here are ways which will help you make  money online You'll be your own boss and work from home to earn passive income. 

1. Blogging website 

If you are a person with good language and writing skills, knowledge and info regarding topics you can write and share them with the world. The website you're seeing is also blogging website for teenagers where i share my knowledge with the world so they can benefit from it. It's super simple and easy to make a free website and we have a post on it too How To Create A website For Free ( In  blogging you can make money a good amount of money after you have written 20 to 30 informative articles you can now create a Google AdSense account and for that also just see our post and follow the steps its that easy. After the Google Adsense account is approved you'll get monthly payments according to the views on your website from the clicks on ads on your website. For that, the content should be so good that you get organic traffic which is very beneficial as it will boost your earnings. In this way, your own skills will help you earn up to $1k monthly if you are consistent with your posts and relevant content.  

2.Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is the process of making money online every time a customer purchases a product based on your recommendation. It's basically a basic arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated on their website. As you do marketing of their website or their product. This is an online sales tactic that allows you – ‘the affiliate’ – to earn a commission and helps the product owner increase sales. At the same time, it makes it possible for affiliates to earn money on product sales without creating products of their own.Simply put, affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platforms, or website. The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a purchase through the unique link or code associated with their recommendation. Do it right, and this performance-based opportunity can be a source of additional income or help diversify the revenue streams of an existing business.

3.Sell Art and Logos 

These are some ways of earning through your art as there are many artists out there who need recognition.

-Upload your art on Artstation as it's a platform for artists to showcase their work and sell it or do custom projects. In his way, artists monetize their arts and skills. -Create logos for companies or even brands and do graphic designing for clients who you can find through  freelancing sites like Upwork  and Freelancer

-Make an Instagram account through which you can send pr to influencers for promotion, on TikTok to upload time-lapse or short process videos, and on Youtube shorts as well for publicity of your art to attract customers. 

-Make an e-commerce website and post your work with prices for people to buy. For this, you will need to spend on marketing your website to get more traffic on your site which means more customers.


Freelancing is basically when you have a skill like graphic designing, photography, video editing, content writing, or social media management you can use those skills and work for others. You will get paid per client or per project. These skills can be learned through free or paid online courses. You can get clients on Upwork, fiver, freelancer, and people per hour. Another way to get clients is through your social media as you can post about your skill and ask if anyone's interested they will reach out to you. Freelancing needs your work and no investment as you don't need to invest in anything for it other than on ads to get customers.


Dropshipping is a popular business as the dropshipper doesn't have to worry about the product and its stock as there is no loss. This means there is less risk as they buy from the seller only when they get a buyer. Dropshipping is a highly profitable e-commerce business model and needs really less investment and at times no investment at all. Dropshipping is a supply chain model in which a  business can directly ship one product from the wholesaler's warehouse to the customer address without handling logistics and management. In this way, the dropshippers don't need to focus on the product but on their marketing and growth. The dropshippers earn through selling products and earning a heavy commission on each of them. A dropshipper is basically the middle man between the seller and buyer and many sellers sometimes don't even get to know if the person buying is a dropshipper or a customer. The dropshipper buys from the seller directly gets it delivered to the buyer by giving their address in this way they earn a huge profit and at the same time don't have to worry about the product as they don't get the product only track orders.   

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

What is Cryptocurrency ?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency secured by cryptography. It is designed to work as a medium of exchange, where individual ownership records are stored in a computerized database. Cryptocurrency is basically a digital asset spread through multiple computers in a shared network. In simpler words, it's digital currency  that you invest and then make a profit over it. Cryptocurrencies are systems that allow for the secure payments of online transactions that are denominated in terms of a virtual "token," representing ledger entries internal to the system itself. All cryptocurrencies combined accounted for about 7% of the world's money. 

 How does Cryptocurrency work? 

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services but uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Much of the interest in these unregulated currencies is to trade for profit, with speculators at times driving prices skyward.

Different types of cryptocurrencies?

The first type of cryptocurrency was bitcoin which is currently the most used, popular, and valuable. Bitcoin was first launched in 2009. After Bitcoin, there were many more altcoins introduced such as Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Ethereum, Ripple and  Cardana. 

Advantages of Cryptocurrency

-Funds transfer between two parties will be easy without the need of third party like credit/debit cards or banks

-It is a cheaper alternative compared to other online transactions

-Payments are safe and secured and offer an unprecedented level of anonymity

Modern cryptocurrency systems come with a user “wallet” or account address which is -accessible only by a public key and pirate key. The private key is only known to the owner of the wallet

-Funds transfers are completed with minimal processing fees.

Disadvantages of cryptocurrency 

-The almost hidden nature of cryptocurrency transactions makes them easy to be the focus of illegal activities such as money laundering, tax-evasion and possibly even terror-financing

Payments are not irreversible

-Cryptocurrencies are not accepted everywhere and have limited value elsewhere

-There is concern that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not rooted in any material goods. Some research, however, has identified that the cost of producing a Bitcoin, which requires an increasingly large amount of energy, is directly related to its market price.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

7 Social Problems That Teenagers Face Nowadays

Teenagers face real concerns, between 13 and 19 years of age, on a daily basis as this is the most awkward growth stage of their lives. During this time, teens are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles. They go through, and are expected to cope with hormonal changes, puberty, social and parental forces, work and school pressures, and so on. Many teens feel misunderstood. It is vital that their feelings and thoughts are validated and that the validation comes from their parents. Parents need to approach their children, who have been dealing with teenage growth issues, carefully and in a friendly manner to discuss the concerns. Nowadays no one knows  about what the teenagers are going through and in their own bubble. It's difficult to share your feelings but we need to be brave and start opening up to others because it can eat you up if you don't get rid of it. When a teenager is going through a rough time it shows up in their behavior and work. It affects them mentally and even physically at times because of stress eating. Over here are the social taboo topics which no one talks about but they are a thing specially for those facing it.

  • 1.Self-Esteem and Body Image
  • Nowadays, confidence plays such an important role in our lives to get through some tough moments. It’s the exact same with self-esteem. Everyone should feel proud and good of themselves. It is believed that feeling good about yourself can affect your mental health that will eventually lead you to how to behave. Regarding body image, well we humans care so much about our physical appearance especially people in their early teens. It’s simply got to do with whether or not we are looking attractive enough for others to like your looks. People don't understand that their one comment on someone's body can affect them internally and mentally. This can play a huge impact on the teenagers self esteem and courage. So always think before you say as you don't know it's after effects.

  • 2.Stress
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. Your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones. These hormones make your brain more alert, cause your muscles to tense, and increase your pulse. In the short term, these reactions are good because they can help you handle the situation causing stress. This is your body's way of protecting itself. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline .But when stress lasts for  a long time, it may harm your health. Stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and anxiety.

  • 3.Bullying 
Many people falsely think that bullying others as well as getting bullied by others is a part of everyone’s life. Contrary to this misbelief, the truth is that bullying affects an individual beyond anyone’s imagination and in some adverse cases; the victims of bullying are forced to take extreme steps, which can be dangerous to them as well as the accused. Many people also defend the practice of bullying by saying that it is a part of growing up and that it helps kids in standing up for themselves. While some kids do actually stand up to themselves and fight back; there are others who just crumble down into introvert and recluse individuals. These kids not only face problems while growing up; rather the effect of bullying stays with them for a long time, sometimes for their entire lifetime. There are several side effects of bullying such as depression and anxiety, feeling of sadness and loneliness, changes of sleeping ,eating patterns and decreased academic achievement.

  • 4.Depression
  •  Depression is one of the most common psychological problems. Each year over 17 million Americans experience a period of clinical depression. Thus, depression affects nearly everyone through personal experiences or through depression in a family member or friend. Depression can interfere with normal functioning, and frequently causes problems with work, social life and family life. It causes pain and suffering not only to those who have a disorder, but also to those who care about them. Serious depression has been known to destroy family life as well as the life of the depressed person. Depression affects everyone. According to Doctors, women are more at risk for depression. This is due to factors that are directly related to women such as reproductive, hormonal, genetic or other biological factors; abuse and oppression; interpersonal factors; and certain psychological and personality characteristics. In general, it has been found that people who have low self-esteem, who consistently view themselves and the world with pessimism, or who are readily overwhelmed by stress are more prone to depression. Depression can lead to chronic illness, relationship problems, work stress, family crisis, financial setback etc.

  • 5.Peer-Pressure 
A teenager  can experience peer pressure in varying degrees. Sometimes their peers may proactively influence them to behave in certain ways and at other times they may be just following along. Both of these situations are based on seeking approval, but it is also possible for peer pressure to be a result of bullying. This is when your child fears being teased or physically hurt for not conforming. You may associate peer pressure with negative outcomes such as your child trying alcohol, smoking or drugs. However, peer pressure can also allow certain groups to have positive influences on your child. There’s no way of knowing exactly how your child will be affected. Peer pressure can influence any area of your child’s life, from their taste in music to their choice of school subjects .Negative effects of peer pressure includes pressure to engage in risk taking behaviors, distraction from schoolwork, distance between family and existing friend and drastic changes in behavior and attitudes.

If thus information helped you in any way let me know in the comments down below!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

7 Ways Through Which You Can Earn Money Without Investment

 These are 7 ways through which you can earn money without any investment. In all of these you just need to put your effort and use your brain for ideas other than that there is no money needed in them.


Dropshipping is a popular business as the dropshipper doesn't have to worry about the product and its stock as there is no loss. This means there is less risk as they buy from the seller only when they get a buyer. Dropshipping is a highly profitable e-commerce business model and needs really less investment and at times no investment at all. Dropshipping is a supply chain model in which a  business can directly ship one product from the wholesaler's warehouse to the customer address without handling logistics and management. In this way, the dropshippers don't need to focus on the product but on their marketing and growth. The dropshippers earn through selling products and earning a heavy commission on each of them. A dropshipper is basically the middle man between the seller and buyer and many sellers sometimes don't even get to know if the person buying is a dropshipper or a customer. The dropshipper buys from the seller directly gets it delivered to the buyer by giving their address in this way they earn a huge profit and at the same time don't have to worry about the product as they don't get the product only track orders.   


 Freelancing is basically when you have a skill like graphic designing, photography, video editing, content writing, or social media management you can use those skills and work for others. You will get paid per client or per project. These skills can be learned through free or paid online courses. You can get clients on Upwork, fiver, freelancer, and people per hour. Another way to get clients is through your social media as you can post about your skill and ask if anyone's interested they will reach out to you. Freelancing needs your work and no investment as you don't need to invest in anything for it other than on ads to get customers.

3.Selling Old Notes 

The easiest way of earning money is selling your lecture notes on Studypool. You will just have to scan your documents if handwritten or upload typed notes. They will get approved to check if they are not copyrighted then you will start earning from it in a short time. It's a passive income as you earn $10 per view on your document and Study pool claims that you can earn up to $5k in a month just by selling notes. Also, there is no harm in earning money without doing anything much you just have to upload them. It's very important to make sure your notes are legible, relevant, and high quality for maximum earnings. You can withdraw the money through Paypal, Payoneer, western union, mpesa, etc. For notes as well  you don't need an investment only have to upload it.

4.Create Online Courses

If you have the required resources and books for a course or can record video lessons of you teaching a subject you can easily make a course for it on Teachable. It's a platform where you can teach or take courses and other people buy them at the price set which you choose. It's not necessary to teach a subject you can sell cooking, art or any type of course you like. There are teacher entrepreneurs who use teachable to run their courses for almost half a million students online. In this way, you can earn the fixed price you have set on each purchase of the course and when you start with cheap courses more people buy them. For the online courses you have to make content only and for that no money is needed.

5.Website Articles 

If you have good writing skills you can start writing articles with any kind of topic but it just needs to be relevant to the audience you're trying to reach. You can create a website for free on  and for that just see our post on it. After you have written 20 to 30 informative articles you can now create a Google AdSense account and for that also just see our post and follow the steps its that easy. After the Google Adsense account is approved you'll get monthly payments according to the views on your website. For that, the content should be so good that you get organic traffic which is very beneficial as it will boost your earnings. In this way, your own skills will help you earn up to $1k monthly if you are consistent with your posts and relevant content. Same for the website you need to make content only and no investment.

6.Content Creation  & Blogging 

You can create engaging content for the niche you're approaching and earn through paid partnerships and collaborations on Instagram. Try to get more views by uploading content daily as it will reach out more and you'll gain followers too. The brands pay you according to the views on the post you have uploaded for them so having a good engagement on posts is very important. Blogging can be done on Instagram and on a website. You must be thinking it's too much of a hassle creating a website but it isn't actually, just go to our how to create a website post. For blogging very interesting and attractive content should be written to make the readers read your content as people get bored very easily. When more people start viewing your content then you can apply for Google Adsense and earn through it very easily. In content creation you need a device which everyone has so there isn't any investment for this as well.


One of the most popular ways of earning money is through Youtube as everyone is aware of it. What you have to do is upload videos daily, when you reach 1,000 subscribers and have 4,000 hours of watch time you can apply for monetization. As people very quickly start earning on Youtube if they have good content so it's more of a frequent way of earning especially for teenagers. For youtube you need a camera for videos thats it other than that no such investment.

If this post was helpful let me know in the comments down below.

7 Ways To Be Physically and Mentally Healthy In 2022

 It is essential for us to take care of our health in order to productively tick the list of activities that we have prepared ahead. Unfortunately, there are still many people out there who take their health for granted. There are plentiful ways that we can do to be physically and mentally healthy in 2022. However,it is going to require our willpower. 

7 ways to be mentally and physically healthy:

1.Get Medical Checkups Monthly

It  is important  to perform a health check at regular intervals. A lot of people still overlook the significance of having a routine medical checkup. It can help you determine whether your body is well or the opposite. Also, early detection can help you prevent severe illnesses and any kinds of complications.

2.Eat more fruits and vegetables 

The next tip on how to be physically and mentally healthy is by consuming more fruits and vegetables. Both have abundant health benefits. They contain kinds of vitamins, minerals, and others that our bodies need to be at their best performance. So, make sure that you always eat more fruits and vegetables every day!

3.Drink Enough  Water 

Have you drunk enough water everyday? This is your calling in 2022 if you have not. Adequate water consumption is a must-put item on your list of how to be physically and mentally healthy. Do you know over 80% of our body consists of water? Therefore, we need to properly maintain our water intake on a daily basis. Not drinking enough water will cause dehydration and thus, disrupts your concentration and your A-game in any activities you are performing. Doctors suggestion is to have at least 8 glasses of water or it hovers about 2 liters in a day.

4.Set your mood right by exercising

 No doubts, doing exercise can keep us physically and mentally healthy. When we are exercising, our body releases a chemical substance called the endorphin. This hormone helps us regulate better mood and minimize stress levels as well. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day or as much as the time allows you to. Also, do you know that walking and going up and down the stairs count as exercise, too?

5.Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Although we cannot quite avoid sitting for too long because of our work, please remind yourself to stretch frequently and take a break from your prolonged sitting. Studies show that sitting for too long can trigger cardiovascular disease. Try to keep a good sitting posture as well.

6.Get Enough Sleep 

No matter you are elderly, adults, and kids; people of all ages need to be well-rested in order to be physically and mentally healthy. The sleep recommendation for adults on average is 8 hours. If your body is exposed to less than 8 hours of sleep every day, you are very likely to lose focus on your work. Therefore, get enough sleep today, so your body is well-prepared to do all your loads tomorrow.

7.Maintaining Good relationships with your friends

Last but not least, you might not realize that having a good friendship can also promote our health better. This is because you are cordial (comfortable with each other’s company and share positive energy with one another. John Donne says, “No Man Is an Island”, it is a friendly reminder that yes, we can’t quite survive on our own, don’t you agree?

Hopefully these tips helped you if they really did do let me know in the comments down below..

6 Tips On How To Stay Productive

 Being productive in your life is very important because laying in bed all day will make you lazy so it's better to do something rather than nothing. It's also important to keep your mind busy with an intense activity. It's really good to be busy with tasks in this way the day passes in no time and you don't get bored.

Here are 6 Tips for you to stay productive

1. Stay Hydrated

Seems super simple but there are many people who don't stay hydrated and then get tired very easily.

2.Schedule and Plan 

Always plan your day so that you are occupied with work every hour because without a schedule you won't be able to get done with all your tasks. It also keeps you motivated to complete the tasks and tick them down.

3.Give yourself a break 

If you are too tired from working listen to songs or go for a walk to  enjoy the fresh air and nature.


Organizing your room or any place will make you feel energized and accomplished as you can see  the change after the task you just did.


Cooking will keep you occupied for a couple of hours. When you eat the food you feel really happy and content which will help you do the next task..

6.Go to bed early 

A good sleep of 7 to 8 hours is essential for staying productive as you need that energy tha you can only get from sleep.

12 Things Which Will Help Teenagers To Become Financially Independent

 Being Financially Independent is very important in these times of crisis. It means you can have more time and resources to explore your skills, your abilities, shaping your personality, your passions, and your dreams. Financial independence allows you to pursue your passions. It also makes you feel more confident and independent in life. Through it, you spend time with your loved ones as much as you want and your decisions are not centered around finance. To become financially independent there are a few things you need to do from your school life to save your future.

Here are 15 things that will help in paving your path for financial independence in the future from today!

1. Getting Good Grades

This should be your priority as a teenager in school. Good grades are essential for getting into your  desired college. If you are not good at studies focus on your studies and study for extra hours.

2. Track your expenses

Along with budgeting, it's also important that you track your expenses. Not only will this help you in budgeting , but it will also help you get an idea of how much you're spending on unnecessary expenses. Whenever you can, it's always a cut back on your spending and try to save more. Tracking your expenses shows you important data that you can use to help your financial situation.

3.Treat saving like an expense

Trust me it's a game-changer when you treat saving like an expense. what you should do is pretend like saving is one of your fixed expenses. As soon as you get your monthly expense immediately put some money in savngs . In this way, you can save for anything you like. 


After you have a good amount savings its due to invest them into stocks, bonds, real estate, cryptocurrency and fds

5.Have an emergency fund for needs

There is an emergency fund in which you keep money set aside for unpredicted expenses. In this way, you won't be in a difficult position when you need money urgently. 

6.Saving for college

Before you go crazy too crazy with investing, you should remember to save for college. If you decide to go to college, you should be prepared for the hefty price tag associated with a degree. 

7.Picking the right college for you

Make a smart decision by going to a more affordable college rather than a one you can't afford because at the end it's all the same education.

8.Apply for scholarships

College is mostly expensive so getting a scholarship is a better choices. So instead of being lazy start applying for scholarships.

9.Reduce expenses

Focus on your needs and necessities so that you spend less and save more.

10.Start a business 

Start a small business of your own products or dropshipping from your home.You can check out our How To Start Dropshipping in 2022 ( and 10 Easy Ways For Teenagers To Earn Money ( to know more.

11. Earn money along with studies

Start trying different ways of income like tutoring, freelancing, website owner,  business or maybe earn through cryptocurrency 

12.Do freelancing 

Freelancing is basically when you have a skill like graphic designing, photography, video editing, content writing, or social media management you can use those skills and work for others. You will get paid per client or per project. These skills can be learned through free or paid online courses. You can get clients on Upwork, fiver, freelancer, and people per hour. Another way to get clients is through your social media as you can post about your skill and ask if anyone's interested they will reach out to you.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

How To Start Dropshipping in 2022

Dropshipping is a popular business as the dropshipper doesn't have to worry about the product and its stock as there is no loss. This means there is less risk as they buy from the seller only when they get a buyer. Dropshipping is a highly profitable e-commerce business model and needs really less investment and at times no investment at all. Keep reading to know more about dropshipping and how you can easily start your own dropshipping business 

-What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a supply chain model in which a  business can directly ship one product from the wholesaler's warehouse to the customer address without handling logistics and management. In this way, the dropshippers don't need to focus on the product but on their marketing and growth. The dropshippers earn through selling products and earning a heavy commission on each of them. A dropshipper is basically the middle man between the seller and buyer and many sellers sometimes don't even get to know if the person buying is a dropshipper or a customer. The dropshipper buys from the seller directly gets it delivered to the buyer by giving their address in this way they earn a huge profit and at the same time don't have to worry about the product as they don't get the product only track orders. 

-How to start a dropshipping business

A dropshipping store works similar to an e-commerce store. Select your hosting platform like woocommerce or Shopify and a domain name. After that, you need to select your products and in order to have a successful store, you need to select products that are in demand or famous. Products shouldn't be too expensive at first just sell without profit at the original price later after the demand increases you can increase the price which will be your  profit.

-How to promote your dropshipping store 

There are various ways in which you can promote your dropshipping store such as through social media ads, influencer marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, and display marketing. You can do paid collaborations with influencers and paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, and google. This at the start will really boost your sales. ,

-Benefits of Dropshipping

In dropshipping, there is less to no investment needed, and you can work with multiple wholesalers at once. You can start your store for free with just a domain and hosting and you are good to go. It's order based so you need to work only if you get an order. It has less work to do because you don't have to worry about the product's packaging and shipping. This business is digital and easier to scale. If one niche doesn't sell well you can easily move to a better-selling product. You won't be at a loss even if you close your dropshipping store as you bought the product as per the order and weren't making the product.

Hope this helped you and if it really did let me know in the comments section below.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

30 Thing's To Do When Bored At Home

1.Start a Bussiness

2.Learn a new language 

3.Do an internship

4.Make a playlist of your favorite songs

5.Organize your room & house 

6.Start working out everyday to stay active 

7.Play a board or video game with family

8.Write a letter to your friend across the country 

9.Do selfcare like manicures,pedicures and facials to feel fresh

10.Cook your favorite food 

11.Arrange a party with friends at your house 

12.Bake brownie and cookies

13.Bing watch a series like harry potter 

14.Make dalgona coffee and relax 

15.Go for a walk and see the nature 

16.Organize your closet and donate old clothes yo don't wear

17.Rearrange your furniture in the house for a new look

18.Give a 24 hour makeover to your room or living space 

19.Call an old friend and share what's going on 

20.Try solving word search and tricky puzzles

21.Make a Macrame decor piece to give your room a bohemian look

22.Make sweater with wool lying around your house for winter

23.Try out a new recipe 

24.Have a movie night at home 

25.Do some painting with acrylic colors

26.Paint you plant pots or  glass bottles to add small plants in it

27.Play badminton or cricket 

28.Plan your next vacation

29. Create a Youtube channel

30.Start a blog 

How To Earn Through A Passive Income & 15 Ways In Which You Can Do It

 Passive Income is an income when you start getting an income without any active hours of work. Basically, it is a type of unearned income that is acquired automatically with minimal labor to earn or maintain a constant income. In it, you use the money you already have to make more money.

15 Ways in which you can earn a passive income:

1. Study pool 

The easiest way of earning passive money is selling your lecture notes on Studypool. You will just have to scan your documents if handwritten or upload typed notes. They will get approved to check if they are not copyrighted then you will start earning from it in a short time. It's a passive income as you earn $10 per view on your document and Study pool claims that you can earn up to $5k in a month just by selling notes. Also, there is no harm in earning money without doing anything much you just have to upload them. It's very important to make sure your notes are legible, relevant, and high quality for maximum earnings. You can withdraw the money through Paypal, Payoneer, western union, mpesa, etc.. In this way it's not for once but you can earn every single time so it isn't a one-time investment in a way.

2. Website 

 Yes, you can earn a passive income through a website as not many people know about it. You must be thinking it's too much of a hassle creating a website but it isn't actually, just go to our how to create a website post. For blogging very interesting and attractive content should be written to make the readers read your content as people get bored very easily. When more people start viewing your content then you can apply for Google Adsense and earn through it very easily as whenever someone views your website you earn. It works like CPC which is a click per post in which you earn through each click on an ad. So you can not earn once but many times according to the google policy which is CPC.

3. Investing

When you invest, you use the money you already have to make more money. Investment is done by buying assets and later selling or renting out assets you already own. Through this asset, you can earn money passively over time. You can even invest in stocks, bonds, rental properties, or real estate.

4. Run A Subscription Service

Subscription services function by way of offering access to a service or a type of product to an audience for a particular sum of money paid at regular intervals. The payment is different for each service for some it's monthly, some quarterly, and some yearly or for the duration of a season.

5. Affiliate Marketing

It's basically a basic arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated on their website. As you do marketing of their website or their product.

6. Sell an Online Course 

You create any type of course online for people to learn and they buy it according to what you want. What you need to make sure is that your content is good enough for people to purchase and has nice formatting in it. It's also really easy to sell a course on teachable.

7. Sell an E-book

If you're good at writing you can definitely write a book and sell it on amazon or the marketplace. You just need to make sure you own the rights and it's decently priced to attract more readers.

8. Start A Youtube Channel

If you have good communication and vlogging skills you can start your youtube channel. For it, you just need a Gmail account and a camera. your videos will get monetized and through it you can earn money very easily.

9. Dropshipping Store

It's a supply chain model in which a dropshipper can directly ship one product from the wholeseller's warehouse to the customer's house without logistics and management. This let's dropshippers focus on the actual business aspect of their growth.

10. Buy A profitable App or Website 

11. Cryptocurrency Mining

12. Create an App 

13. Rent out Items You have

It can be a camera, books, furniture anything you can live without and people are willing to pay rent money for it/

14. Sell Products On Amazon FBA

15. Become A silent Business Partner (more like an investor)

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

5 Best Free Productivity Apps For Students

These productivity apps can help you with being more efficient and productive in your respective studies. While using these apps you will be more motivated to study and won't be attracted to social media. These apps also help you create more time in your schedule for personal activities and learning new subjects. As well as stay paper free!

1. Evernote 

It's a note-taking software designed for the organization and management of tasks. Evernote works on all devices so you can stay organized and productive wherever you go. It helps for screen recording, screen capturing, and editing tools with easy sharing options. Evernote is powerful, efficient and time-saving.

2. Good Notes 5

It's the best note-taking app for iPad users and can be used on phones for reading notes. Good notes helps you create beautiful handwritten digital notes and many people couldn't use the app as they had to buy them but they recently became free which really few people know. It is an amazing website for notes and now many more people can try it out & you'll surely love it.

3. Notability

It's an app where you can take notes for any purpose like studying ,projects and brainstorming. The only thing bad about is that its available only on apple devices .It became free recently so you must try it out yourself. Notability is a folder of thoughts which can carry along anywhere you want.

4. Microsoft One note 

It's a digital note-taking app for capturing and organizing everything across your devices. Jot down your ideas, keep track of classroom and meeting notes, a clip from the web or make a to-do, as well as draw and sketch your ideas. OneNote is available as part of the Microsoft Office Suite, it is also available as a free, standalone app via the app stores of Windows 10, macOS, iOS, and Android It helps in gathering users' notes, drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries.

5. Notion 

It's an amazing tool designed to help you stay organized where you can keep  documents, databases, audiovisual content, notes, meetings, and schedules, all in one interface. It is a workspace that adapts to your needs and is minimal or as powerful as you need it to be. Notion is basically a project management and note-taking software.

Hope this helped you choose the best note-taking app for you and if it did let me know in the comments down below.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

7 Tips for Effective Studies & Scoring Good Grades

 There are 70% of students who don't study beforehand and regret it later. These tips are for those people and can even be applied to normal studies.

1. Don't get distracted by social media. It's better to switch off your phone but if you can't do that at least uninstall all social media apps in this way you won't get any notifications as they are a huge distraction. Use WhatsApp instead of  Instagram for chatting with people. There is your own betterment in staying away from the online world as already it's so toxic. In his way, you can focus on studies rather than what's going on in other people's lives 

2. Don't talk to people unnecessarily as it will waste your time and energy. Refrain from getting into fights or an argument with anyone. It can take a heavy toll on you and mentally affect you which won't let you concentrate on your studies. Keep yourself happy as when you are internally happy you'll be even more motivated and have the energy to study.  

3. Have motivation for studies. For eg after the exams, I  can go for a vacation and enjoy just have to pass this time or I need to make my parents proud with good grades. These kinds of motivational thoughts will keep you going. If you get demotivated watch motivational videos on youtube they will help you train your mind to study.

4. Don't study all day it will exhaust you instead follow a schedule with breaks so you don't get tired. Make sure you're managing your time efficiently as it's key to success especially when you're short on time. Taking timely breaks in between studies and making sure to eat properly is very important. Having a good diet is very important as without food your brain won't be able to function which means getting behind the schedule.

5. Don't waste time making notes instead highlight or make small pointers for important points so that you don't forget anything while revising. Only revise a day before the paper don't start solving questions because if you can't do a question it will stress you out. 

6. Taking a good 6 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary to retain all the information you have studied during the day. Sleep is very important before the paper because if you haven't taken good sleep your mind won't work which means a bad paper. So it's better to have food and a good sleep before the paper. Also, stay hydrated before and during the paper, dehydration can be distracting and reduce your ability to think clearly.

7. Don't study a few hours the night before the exam as it isn't going to help you score good grades. Another disadvantage is you'll be sleep deprived which will make you sleepy before the exam.

Hope you score well in your exams and if these tips helped you please let us know in the comments. Don't be harsh on yourself and believe in yourself as you can surely do anything possible in the world.